Saturday, June 15, 2013

No Other Man

   Father's Day is a special day that we celebrate every third Friday of June to honor our father. This is the day to honor the big contribution of our father to every family not just being the head of the family who provide the necessities of the family and who made the final decision but of course how our father taught us to become a good citizen of our society and how great our father in contributing to what we are now and what we can be. Fathers are the man who show unconditional love, care and support to his family. Today, let's all be thankful that God gave us a man who took care to us when we we're just an infant and who did all that he can just to make our family become stronger and happy. Thanks God for giving us wonderful father! :)

My Graduation Day!

Today, I want to honor the No Other Man of Our Life, the Best Father for us, our Papa.. 

The man who most of the time cook food for us.

The man who sometimes wake up early just to prepare breakfast for us.
The man who always want to serve him a coffee whenever he wants to drink.
The man who taught us how to play scrabble.
The man who encourage me to join organization in school.
The man who attended general assembly in school when mama did not want to.
The man who sometimes help me in my assignments.
The man who attended my high school and college graduation.
The man who is strict but joker and funny sometimes.
The man who laugh with us when we had a corny jokes.
The man who participate when me and my younger sister is practicing English speaking.
The man who's very happy when his grandchild is dancing and singing.
The man who always want to inculcate to our mind the importance of perseverance and hard work.
The man who work hard for half of his life in in order to provide our necessities and to support our studies.
The man who still proud of us despite of mistakes that we've done and disappointments that he felt when we didn't met his expectations.
The man who never stop showing love, care and support to us.
Those things that will reminds us how good and responsible man he is.